Adding a Report
Reports can be created by the Service Provider Administrator for the purposes of network analysis and compliance. Reports that have been created by the system administrator can also be viewed by the tenant operator.
When the report is created by the System Administrator for a specific tenant and Privacy mode is disabled for the report, any Service Provider administrator can view, edit or delete the report. |
When the report is created by the System Administrator for a specific tenant and Privacy mode is enabled for the report, any Service Provider administrator can only view the report. |
When the Privacy mode is enabled for the report, only the report owner/creator can edit the report. Other Service Provider operators with equivalent permissions can view these reports and also delete them. |
Open the Reports page (Quality of Experience menu > Reports tab). The Reports page is displayed. |
Use the following table as a reference. |
Enter an intuitive name for the report. Enter a name that will facilitate management later.
Enter a description of the report to facilitate management later.
From the drop-down, select a category from the list of report categories or define a new category:
Providers Side Monthly Aggregation |
Providers Side Monthly Reports |
Report Type
Select the report type option you require. Use the following as reference:
Element [Entity] Statistics (Default). Select this option to display a statistics report per element (entity), per defined Filter (tab). |
Aggregated Statistics Trends. Select this option to generate a statistics report per a defined time interval for all elements (entities) per a defined Filter (tab). |
Trends Statistics Comparison. Select this option to generate a statistics report per element (entity), for a single metric, per time interval. From the drop-down, select the metric. |
Report Scope
Provider Name.
Logo (PNG, JPEG)
Enables logos to be displayed in report results thereby facilitating man agement of reports results later. The preferred logo size is 200X40 pixels.
Click to upload a M365 tenant logo image file; the file is added to the Software Manager. |
Optionally select the Customoptionandfrom the 'Logo (PNG, JPEG)' drop-down, select a logoimage file; this file is only displayed for this specific report definition. |
If the logo image file you require is not listed in the 'Logo (PNG, JPEG)' drop-down, click to upload one; the file is then added to the Software Manager. |
Default: Private. Drag to change to Public; the text in the screen changes correspondingly. When this parameter is set to Private, only the Tenant operator who created the report can run it and modify its details. Any Tenant operator with equivalent security permissions can delete the report i.e. Tenant operator with “operator” or admin” permissions.
Select the Last option and then from the drop-down, select Hours, Days, Weeks or Months; enter the number of hours, days, weeks or months for which you require this report -OR- |
Select the calendar option and define from what year, month and day / date to what year, month and day / date you require this report. |
[Only displayed if 'Aggregated Statistics Trends' or 'Trends Statistics Comparison' were selected for parameter 'Report Type' under the Definition tab] From the 'Display Interval' drop- down, select how often you want a measurement performed; in the report result, the graph displays the interval. |
From the 'Report Element Type' drop-down, select the network element on which you want to produce this report: |
Select the Select All Entities check box to select all entities defined in the topology, or click Open Live Platform Tree to select the elements for which you wish to generate a report |
[Only displayed if User or URI is selected from the 'Report Element Type' drop-down] In the 'RegEx' field, enter a URI (or multiple URIs) or a username (or multiple usernames); the report results will display statistics only for those URI/URIs or user/users you defined. If the field is left undefined, reports results will be displayed for all URIs and users listed in the Active Directory. |
Click the Table Layout tab. |
For the report types 'Element (Entity) Statistics' and 'Aggregated Statistics Trends': |
Click > to include an 'Optional Metric' in the report. |
Click < to exclude a metric from the report. |
Click << and >> to add / remove ALL metrics to / from the report. |
Up to four columns of metrics in a report can be sorted. |
Click the arrow to make a column sortable in a direction of your choice |
To perform a multiple sort, press CTRL and then click a drop-down arrow; a number indicates the sort order (for two and three columns sort). |
Use the number displayed on the arrows of the sort to determine the order of the sort. |
For the 'Top Values Reports' parameter, select the Show Me Only The Top option if it's not selected (the default is selected); the 'Records' drop-down is activated. Select 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 1000 or 10000. |
Note: When reports are on element type 'User' or 'URI', they can include multiple rows. Reports on element type 'User' can potentially include tens of thousands of rows (users). Reports on element type 'URI' can include tens of millions of calls. Reports on these element types are therefore limited to the first 10,000 users to keep them within reasonable proportions.
The Show Me Only The Top option is by default selected when 'Element (Entity) Statistics' report type is selected and when the element type selected is 'User', 'URI' or 'Endpoint'; reports are limited to the first 10000 users. |
The Show Me Only the Top option is by default cleared when 'Aggregated Statistics Trends' report type is selected. |
The Show Me Only The Top option is by default cleared when 'Trends Statistics Comparison' report type is selected. |
From the 'Number Of Rows Per Page', select 25, 50, 100 or 500. |
Click OK or click the Graphs View tab. |
Click the icon to add a graph. |
Click the 'Name of Graph' field and enter an intuitive name to facilitate effective management later; the field turns yellow. |
From the 'Graph Type' drop-down, select the type of graph to display: Bar, Line, Pie or Stack Bar; the field turns yellow; the 'Columns' pane below it also turns yellow. |
From the 'Columns' drop-down in the 'Columns' pane, select graph columns (available columns depend on graph type and on the metrics that you previously selected in the Table Layout tab). |
The size of a column definition can be minimized to thumbnail by dragging the lowermost right corner inward. Multiple columns can be defined. Thumbnails can be dragged and dropped. Up to four can fit across the pane.
The following figure displays an example report "Brad URI Monthly" that has been defined by the logged in Service Provider Administrator
(own report) and therefore the report can always be viewed and edited by this administrator. In addition, the Privacy Mode is enabled and therefore the system administrator cannot edit this report (only view it) and other Service Provider operators cannot view the report at all.